Programme Schedule - Program Schedule


Arrival of First Shift School

9:00 AM

Visit to School of Chemical and Life Sciences

a) Dept. of Toxicology

b) Dept. of Biotechnology

c) Dept. of Centre for Transgenic Plant Development

Visit to School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

a) Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

b) Department of Pharmacology

c) Department of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry

d) Department of Pharmaceutics


Visit to TEM Facility Centre, NMR Facility Centre, Neurobehavior and Electrophysiology Facility, Drosophila Facility Centre, C. Elegans Facility Centre, Herbal Garden, Animal

Arrival of Second Shift School

12:30 PM


Orientation Program in Hamdard Convention Centre for both the Shift

a) About Jamia Hamdard

b) About Dept. of Science and Technology

c) Other Facility created in JH under innovation program

d) Career Prospects and Science Popularization

Distribution of Certificates and Mementos for First Shift

School Exit of First Shift School

2:30 PM

Visit of Schools of Second Shift School

2:30 PM

Visit to School of Chemical and Life Sciences

a) Dept. of Toxicology

b) Dept. of Biotechnology

c) Dept. of Centre for Transgenic Plant Development

Visit to School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

a) Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

b) Department of Pharmacology

c) Department of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry

d) Department of Pharmaceutics


Visit to TEM Facility Centre, NMR Facility Centre, Neurobehavior and Electrophysiology Facility, Drosophila Facility Centre, C. Elegans Facility Centre, Herbal Garden, Animal House

Distribution of Certificates and Mementos for Second Shift School

Exit of Second Shift School

5:00 PM